Incubational program Corporative
Duration: 4-6 months
Available in BootCamp version with focus learning
Clients believe that sustainability is important
In 2015, we carried out research to understand if the clients opinions on sustainability reflected the real purchase options *. Most people whom we speak not only believe that sustainability is important, but also take steps to live more sustainably. Our research also revealed that issues related to sustainability are important for customers, both in developed and emerging markets. This supports our belief that sustainability presents an opportunity for growth for the company.
* Unilever research conducted in 2015 by Flamingo and Europanel
The program seeks to solve a commercial challenge of sustainable development of the company or the contracting companies, which should require a new way of thinking and the collaboration of people with varied and complementary experiences and disciplines.
The program is designed to meet a dual objective of impact and learning:
- Impact associated with the conceptualization and implementation of an idea or project associated with the impact challenge.
- Learn new skills in entrepreneurship and innovation.
The program is directed to 35 participants, without hierarchies among them, coming from different functions and / or organizations. It is structured in modules (3 to 4) of 1 to 3 days of duration during the course of approximately 6 months, with a separation of 4-6 weeks between each module.
Each module is based on experiential workshops where techniques and tools associated with the different phases of the innovation process are taught (eg, empathize, define, devise, prototype and test). The program is based on a model of combined learning. 70:20:10: challenging practical activities (70%), management and development of personal relationships (20%), and class and training tasks (10%).