Impact Hub Caracas: seven years promoting entrepreneurship with positive impact.
24 May 2021 - Pedro Valera

Caracas – May 21, 2021 – Impact Hub Caracas, a community that promotes triple impact entrepreneurship: financial, social and environmental, reached its seventh anniversary this last saturday May 15, overcoming local and global challenges that have allowed us to strengthen, innovate and create new opportunities for impact.

Our President and Co-Founder, Claudia Valladares, expressed her satisfaction about another year of operations. “We are extremely happy to be seven years old, a magic number that many authors talk about. And that is composed of the sacred number 3 and the earthly number 4, thus establishing a bridge between heaven and earth”.


“Just as seven are the days of the week, seven days is the duration of each lunar phase, seven are the wonders of the world, seven are the main chakras in the human body, seven the notes in the musical scale, and seven are the colors of the rainbow; seven are also the most important events that we have overcome in these seven years of operations. From each one of them we have learned a lesson that we have turned into strength:

  1. Street demonstrations 2014.

           We acquired more clarity in our purposes.

  1. High inflation and hyperinflation since 2014.

           We applied financial innovation.

  1. We moved to a new location in 2016.

           We started to think big and working in collaboration.

  1. Students and civil demonstrations in 2017.

           We started to rethink social and environmental innovation.

  1. Crisis and food shortages.

           We started to promote resilience, a mentality of abundance and solidarity.

  1. Introduction of the US dollar as currency to make payments (2018-2021).

            We have learned to be flexible and use creativity.

  1. “Corona Times” the pandemic.

       Our president and Co-founder, Claudia Valladares, is convinced that we should         become anti-fragile.




It is important to highlight that in times of confinement and social distancing, Impact Hub Caracas managed to provide its entrepreneurial community with spaces with all the necessary biosecurity measures. In addition to offering community members the possibility of obtaining beverages and food right here, without leaving their workplace, with the catering service of Colibrí Café.


And when it comes to innovating and adapting, we are not far behind. And decided to create a virtual space “Avila 4”, where anyone can create and promote events at affordable prices. Our team offers the necessary advice and organization to make this online experience on the screen as similar as possible to a face-to-face encounter, with the necessary digital tools.


We also created “Hub Corporate”, a new membership that combines the best of the corporate world, an innovation lab, a business incubator and an office. How? Very easy. Corporations and companies can offer their members different, safe and alternative spaces to work at home.  “Hub Corporate” is tailored to the needs of each corporate client and by acquiring it, in addition to the benefits of being part of a local triple impact entrepreneurial community, work teams can be inspired and connect with the global Impact Hub community that has more than 16,000 members in over 50 countries.

Impact Hub Caracas continues to connect, inspire, empower and create positive impact. And if you don’t know it yet, we invite you to visit us at Torre Parque Ávila in Los Palos Grandes, 17th floor, and visit our website 

And you can also follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn  @impacthubcaracas, and on Twitter @impacthubccs.