Translator and interpreter.

IAN & Consultores is a company dedicated to financial consulting services, accounting, management and collection services. We specialize in profitability analysis and financial viability, valuations and financial models for the evaluation of new projects or business.

VC Digital is a growing Digital Marketing agency with great experience in different areas of digital information and technology. Our purpose is to promote digital inclusion, empowering companies, SMEs and entrepreneurs, improving their presence in digital media, increasing traffic to their website and their digital conversion rates, through the application of highly effective digital strategies.

We are an arts and social project with the mission of connecting Venezuelans through the stories of each other.

We tell each story through portraits and testimonies. In them we meet and we recognise ourselves.

We identify with the other and feel empathy.

Creadores que Creen is an accelerator of people. We develop information and products, focused on motivation, productivity and entrepreneurship for those who want to make real the feeling of achievement.

Caracas, June 27, 2019.- Our country stands out worldwide after the Technovation organization chose as the Latin American regional winner 2019 (Regional Winner 2019) the team that developed the Clean Up Plastic (CUP) application, represented by Venezuelan young women: Ayneth Rosario Verónica Girón and Adrimar Moros, who stood out among the 239 groups in Latin America: 11 from Chile, 82 from Brazil, 76 from Bolivia, 50 from Mexico and 20 from Venezuela.

CUP will receive as a prize a scholarship of USD 1000 $ that will help them to continue developing their App.

These results are part of the last awards made by Technovation, in which they evaluated 2000 mobile applications from 57 countries and chose 12 finalists for the World Pitch Event in Silicon Valley, California and the regional champions of Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America .

The director and co-founder of Impact Hub Caracas and regional ambassador of Technovation Venezuela, Claudia Valladares, informed that this is a great step in the career as technological entrepreneurs of these teenagers.

“We are extremely happy and proud that Venezuela is news in the world for the performance of girls who have posed as a challenge to solve a problem in their community with the design and implementation of an App. It is a great achievement that they have won in the region , which shows that these young women are already empowered in the world of technology. We hope this is the beginning of their journey as entrepreneurs, businesswomen and leaders, “said Valladares.

Remember that Clean Up Plastic seeks to encourage recycling and help the environment through dynamic and fun challenges that must be filled weekly by the user. Once the four challenges of the month are completed, the person can contact the recycling companies through the application.

CUP together with CitySens were the two semifinalist applications among the 20 teams that formed Technovation Venezuela 2019, a program carried out by Impact Hub Caracas in alliance with Iridescent and with the support of the United Nations Program (UNDP) and the company Total Oil & Gas Venezuela, among others, and whose mission was to empower girls from vulnerable sectors in the world of technological entrepreneurship through the design of mobile applications.

For more information and interview requests, contact the Communications Management of the Impact Hub Caracas through 0212 3133831 and 3133832 or write an email to [email protected]

Office of architecture focused on the design in the tropics with sustainable materials and our impact is to integrate the work of artisans and traditional techniques in functional and innovative spaces adapted to the needs of its users.

I am an HR professional in the corporate field. I was a year out of Venezuela and just arriving. I am still looking for new professional challenges at the corporate level and additionally in parallel, my dream is to strengthen myself as a speaker, delivering knowledge in different types of talks.

Production of the Pechakucha Night Caracas event, platform to publicize ventures, projects and ideas for a better Venezuela. Production of other projects and events.

The objective of the organization is to achieve the development of the Venezuelan cocoa sector through the inclusion of cocoa farmers in the final price of their product in the international market. This process is intended to be carried out in an optimized way with the use of technology in unconventional ways, so that the solution found is innovative enough and allows us to enter into competition with great actors in a short time.