Impact Hub Caracas was present at Venevisión, in the Cartas del Corazón program, conducted by Mariángel Ruiz and Laura Viera. This time they talked about entrepreneurship in people over 50. Our Special Programs Coordinator Brirkellia Álvarez was invited, accompanied by Arturo Zamarra, entrepreneur and chocolate master of the Cacao Maguare Foundation and Meury José Rivero, a degree in Clinical Psychology.


Álvarez stressed in his participation that “the opportunity to undertake at this age, gives you the chance to do something that you have always wanted to do (…) age is not a limitation in the world of entrepreneurship”.

He also mentioned the start of the GrandPreneurs program – we at Impact Hub Caracas are generating a new initiative: GrandPreneurs, which consists of accompanying people over the age of 55, so they have digital ideas and help them overcome the gap with the Millennials so they have more comfortable access to technology. We will start with technology course and then we will go to the business plan, marketing, (…) ¨.

We invite you to watch the full program.













On July 11, 2019, Impact Hub Caracas Radio received the ventures: 300DEV and Le Toucan Doux, in which they discussed their experiences and how to undertake in times of crisis.

300DEV ImpactHubbers are web developers who convert ideas into digital products. According to the technology manager, Leonardo Monsalve “the combination of communication, quality and commitment that characterizes the Venezuelan professional is a highly precious resource in the technological, Asian and American markets.” He stressed that the Creole profile was key to forming a multidisciplinary team of 68 people made up of: computerists, designers and programmers.

Visit here the review of Fedecamaras Radio of: 300DEV


Meanwhile, Le Toucan Doux was the second guest venture; its founder Tania Guirigay, mentions the contributions of her project. ”Our goal is to reach the school environment and that is why we have created a nutritious, tasty and fun snack, since it is a chocolate that contains a 46% amount of care cocoa and rice caramelized inflation “. This is a product that has been driven by the Dreambuilders program, which provided the necessary tools to direct it to a successful business.

Currently, Le Toucan Doux can be found in the three cafeterias of the Metropolitan University of Caracas as well as in the establishment, King David de La Boyera.

Visit here the review of Fedecamaras Radio from: Le Toucan Doux

We invite you to watch the full program on our YouTube channel. Subscribe !:





Technovation is the largest technology program for girls in the world, it consists of training a group of young women aged 14 to 18 in the use of technology. In Venezuela, the Impact Hub Caracas carried out this program, promoting the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers in 20 teams made up of young Venezuelans. After a selection process, this organization was responsible for evaluating around 2000 mobile applications and business plans from 57 countries, choosing 12 finalists. The young women of Technovation Venezuela stood out among a group of 229 participating teams from Latin America, made up of countries such as Chile (11 teams), Brazil (82 teams), Bolivia (76 teams) and Mexico (50 teams). One of the most outstanding applications was CUP ¨Clean Up Plastic “, made by three young Venezuelans, who for their work, received a scholarship equivalent to USD 1000. This project has been the protagonist of different reviews in digital portals and news, due to the influence he had on young women in Latin America.In addition, various Venezuelan media commented on the participation of young people from Technovation Venezuela, especially CUP.


We invite you to read the publications of this news made by the following media:


El Nacional – Venezuela fue la ganadora regional latinoamericana 2019 de Technovation


La Patilla-Venezuela, ganadora regional latinoamericano 2019 de Technovation


Caraota Digital ¡Puro talento! Venezuela ganó premio regional de tecnología 2019





Venezuela al Día –Aplicación venezolana ganó premio regional latinoamericano de Technovation


The World News- Venezuela, ganadora regional latinoamericano 2019 de Technovation


Notiactual. Noticias de última hora de Venezuela y el mundo- Venezuela,ganadora de la regional latinomericana 2019 de Technovation


Descifrado- Venezuela, ganadora regional latinoamericana 2019 de Technovation –Venezuela, ganadora regional Latinomericana 2019 de Technovation


El Venezolano Houston-Venezolanas triunfan como ganadoras regionales latinoamericanas del Technovation 2019





Construyen país-Venezuela gana regional Latinoamericana 2019 de Technovation



Venezuela al día-Aplicación venezolana ganó premio regional latinoamericano de Technovation


Qué pasa en Venezuela-Aplicación venezolana ganó premio regional latinoamericano de Technovation



El Emprendedor- Venezolanas fueron premiadas en edición regional de Technovation 2019


El Venezolano-Venezuela Se Lleva Premio Regional Technovation 2019





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▶ Administrator @, Social @ Communicator or Public Relations.
▶ Proactive and dynamic.
▶ With customer service skills.
▶ Ability to work under pressure.
▶ Excellent writing.
▶ Office package management.

If you meet this profile, we want to meet you! ?? Send us your curriculum synthesis to [email protected]

Caracas, June 20, 2019.- Claudia Valladares, Director and Co-founder of Impact Hub Caracas was the guest editor in the newsletter of the impact hubbers of Arepita, this Thursday, June 20, 2019.

There he referred to the ability of Venezuelan entrepreneurs to reinvent themselves in the face of the crisis in a way that goes beyond resilience: anti-fragility, in which the human being becomes better, is overcome and grows when he is exposed to operate in uncertainty, in risk, in the unknown, in volatility, in the unexpected and in random events.

We invite you to read the complete editorial and subscribe to:


Are you an administrator or accountant and want to work in an oasis of entrepreneurship?

? ATTENTION ? We are looking for a new member for our team of makers in the ADMINISTRATION area.

So if you are willing, organized, proactive and meet the profile, send us your curriculum synthesis to [email protected] or share this information with anyone who may be interested.

Join our team and we create positive impact TOGETHER! ✨

Caracas, June 13, 2019.- We reach our fifth anniversary and celebrate it by paying tribute to those Triple Impact entrepreneurs who were born, grew and developed in our spaces and are now on another level.

For those graduates of the Impact Hub Caracas goes this sense gift of the hand of our also Impact Hubbers of Epix, a micro history of their entrepreneurship and their experience in Impact Hub Caracas.

And as every celebration has surprises, we announce that with them our new Hub Alumni membership is born, which we grant to all those entrepreneurs who graduated from the Impact Hub Caracas.


Ana Cristina Vargas

Now is the right time

The Impact Hub Caracas is like a family. When you get there they adopt you a little, they guide you, they open your eyes to different perspectives, and all that helps you to gradually move towards what can be.

The confidence and momentum that the community gave me was key to moving from being “Ana the architect” to “Ana the social entrepreneur”. They made me think about the philosophy of the project and its possibilities of growth, beyond going to a place and teaching what I like without having a long-term sustainability plan.

I understood that we can not get carried away by difficulties, demand less or stay with the small. At least in my field of action, we find many opportunities to develop our educational process. And, above all, we realized that children continue to grow no matter how the country is; So the only opportunity to intervene a little in your life to help them build their future is today. That makes the Impact: it makes you imagine and transcend.


Daniela Dávila

Since I was little I looked for sincere friendships; that were not for interest or superficial, but that we really shared visions of how we want the world to be So I really appreciate that people show themselves as they are, and that authenticity is one of the most important things I found in the Impact Hub Caracas. Here I met Luis, my current partner, someone with whom I share fundamental values, so much, that I feel as if I have known him for a lifetime, and who I totally trust.

I came to Impact with my branding and design studio called Ikigai, a Japanese word that means reason for being, but it was here that I really got that reason to get up every day. In addition to my partner I met so many people with values ​​similar to mine; Here are people who believe in excellence and commitment, who are creating and who trust in themselves.


María Valentina González

Always yes
I am a Training Architect, which is a career that tends to have very individualistic processes. Then arriving at the Impact Hub Caracas made me realize that you don’t have to do it all alone. Beyond coworking, this is a space where you can get your ideas out of your head, put them on the table, be open for others to make contributions and be willing to reflect.

From the first time I answered a call from the Impact Hub Caracas, which was applied with Raids to the Tech Camp program, I began to question myself: What am I doing? Why am I doing it? final? And I think that’s the magic of this community, who asks and listens to you because he trusts you have something relevant to say.

My partners and I talk a lot about the Impact Hub to other people, and when there is a call and they ask us: “What do you think? Do they sign up? ”, Our answer is:“ Always, always: Yes ”. As long as you think you can participate, say yes. Because it is a new invitation to open your range of possibilities, review how you are growing and think what else you can do. In that process of growth the people of this place sometimes take you by the hand and other times they light your steps. I do not know if it was only with the enormous desire to walk that we had at the beginning, but without the questions of the Impact, today we would not be celebrating four years of journey.



Alberto White

Beat your own home run
I always wanted to take risks. That is why when I was twenty-five years old and I found myself working in a bank, in something that I really didn’t like, I decided to return to my country and start a path based on four pillars: courage, social impact, sustainability and Venezuela. That’s how I arrived at the Impact Hub Caracas, just with the idea of ​​what is a reality today: Cacay Pure.

During the growth of the company I went through all the memberships that the Hub was proposing for me at that time, until I obtained my fixed desk and office. It took me three years to win the first dollar; I went through very difficult moments of uncertainty. Throughout that process, this space always gave me strength.

I think that at some point in life everyone has to try to make a home run. It’s what I’m doing. And you will feel fear, stress, doubts, but if you are surrounded by people who are trying too, that inspires you, you find how to turn it around and move on.


Armando Goncalves

An explosion of good things
I am totally passionate in everything I do, even in the dumbest things. If I am going to cook or make a paper plane, there is an enthusiasm to do my best, optimize it and invent something new.

And that was the most valuable thing I found in the bubble of joy that is the Impact Hub Caracas: where there are many people who like me love what they do. People who, like every entrepreneur, are aware that we make many mistakes before getting it right, but who adapt to the changes and always provide a helping hand.

Living with other entrepreneurs and learning from them showed me how important it is to bring good people together; because apart they make an impact, but together they make a very powerful explosion.



Photographer: Susana León / Elizabeth Hernández (Armando Goncalves, photo 3)

Interviewer and writer: Saymary Silva.

Caracas.- June 13, 2019.- Accelerate2030 Venezuela is one of the Caracas Impact Hub programs, which promotes and provides scaling and innovation processes to entrepreneurs with proven solutions, in order to increase its impact on society. This great project has been the protagonist of reviews in different news and news portals due to its positive influence in our country.

We invite you to read the publications made by our friends of the media about this international scaling program




También agradecemos a todas las radios que encendieron sus micrófonos para difundir Accelerate2030 Venezuela.


Caracas.- June 12, 2019.- Once again we had the opportunity at Impact Hub Caracas Radio to share with one of our strategic allies, this time it is Vikua, a company dedicated to the development of smart cities. Andrés De Jongh, co-founder of Vikua enanthized the importance of supporting new ventures, projects and ideas.

De Jongh sees it as a symbiotic relationship in which the advantages are reciprocal, since innovation is a cyclical and constant element among those who seek to advance. That is why the new generation and its ideas should never be underestimated.

Watch the full interview here

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