Application to monitor habits and account for time management. We seek to promote awareness of the importance of habits, healthy routines and their impact on personal and professional improvement. We are a community of makers, all moved by the desire to be 1% better every day.

Finance and Business expert.


Pedro Berroterán is Senior Executive of the Directorate of Structured Financing of Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF). He is in charge of the analysis, structuring and negotiation of financing granted by CAF to “non-sovereign” clients, including financing of the type “Project Finance” (Financing with Limited Resource to Shareholders). He has participated in operations in Argentina, Colombia, Central America, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, and Bolivia. These operations have included Senior and Subordinate Financing, Loans of the A/B type, Long Term Guarantees, Partial Guarantees to Bond Issues and Co-Financing with other financial institutions, including Multilaterals and, more recently, with the Green Climate Fund based on South Korea. Before joining CAF, he worked in international banking (Citibank NA, ABN AMRO Bank NV, and Grupo Santander), where he participated in the analysis, structuring and negotiation of operations both in Venezuela and the Caribbean. Also worked in the Energy sectors, Industry, as well as in financing for the Republic of Venezuela. He was Senior Consultant at the strategic consulting firm Arthur D. Little for two years, and was Accounting and Finance Manager of Procter & Gamble of Venezuela for six years. He earned a “Master in Business Administration” from the University of New York (Stern School of Business), and has a degree in Public Accountant from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

Accounting expert.


He has been Managing Director since 1995 of L.P.A Asesores Financieros, C.A. Company dedicated to provide outsourcing services in the areas of Finance, Taxes and Payroll in various companies. He is in charge of coordination and execution of financial and accounting policies, preparation and discussion of financial budgets, development of fiscal and exchange planning strategies, design of structures for investment protection, evaluation and design of fiscal structures. Juan also works in design of business plans and models, internal accounting and administrative control processes, execution of expenses budgets, investment and costs of their company and preparation of financial reports and budget of income and expenses. He is a member of the Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VenAmCham). He worked at Piernavieja, Pérez, Porta, Cachafeiro & Asociados (Arthur Andersen & Co.) 1994 and at Pérez-Mena, Everts, Báez, Morales & Asociados (Ernst & Young International) 1989-1994 He has a degree in public accounting from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello 1986-1991.

Technology and Business expert.


He is an Economist and Lawyer, specialized in Smart Cities & Urban Development. Bilingual in Spanish and English, he is a recognized expert in the use of modern technology and innovation to support the development of sustainable and intelligent cities in Ecuador, Mexico, Bolivia and Venezuela. Commercial Director of Advantel and Co-founder of ViKua, an organization recognized by Forbes magazine as one of the 30 most promising companies in Latin America. They have developed and implemented technologies that have improved the quality of life and urban services in more than 20 cities in the region. ViKua and Advantel merged in August 2015, and are currently dedicated to the development of technological solutions for the construction of Smart Cities, Smart Businesses and Smart Infrastructure, with special emphasis on the areas of IT, Connectivity and Urban Services. They are pioneers in the implementation of local developments in the areas of Urban Traffic Control, Surface Transportation and Public Safety. They have offices in Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama. Juan José was in charge of the team responsible for the first intelligent traffic management system in Venezuela, the APP model for the integrated TransBaruta and TransHatillo surface transport systems, and the design of the cloud system for the management of detainees and prisoners of the State from Guanajuato, Mexico, that was part of the “Escudo Project”. He is currently responsible for structuring the PPP models associated with the Smart City Oruro Initiative in Bolivia, the renewal of the Passenger Terminal of the Iribarren Municipality in Venezuela, the Integrated System of Tax Management of Salinas and the Vehicle Inspection System of Machala, in Ecuador. He is a member of the Council of the Global Agenda on Future of Cities, Co-author of the Top 10 Urban Innovations report published by the World Economic Forum, Member of the Advisory Council of the Initiative on the Future of Urban Services, Global Shaper of the World Economic Forum and Member of the Initiative of Emerging Entrepreneurs of the White House. He has been invited by the IDB to Demand Solutions as Top Influencer of the Region and to the China-LAC negotiation rounds organized by the Multilateral Investment Fund under the Connect Americas Program.

He is a graduate in Computer Science from Universidad Metropolitana in Caracas.  And has a Master’s in Marketing from IESA. He especializes in design, development and implementation of technological solutions, digital marketing, entrepreneurship, business strategy and education. He is Co-founder at IDBC Group and Akdemia. Founder and current CEO of Avila Holding Group, a group of companies that develop technological, marketing and entertainment solutions in Venezuela and Latin America. He is also a graduate of IESA LIDERA program, GCL Fellow of Georgetown University and Global Shaper of the World Economic Forum.

Marketing expert.


Beatriz Pérez Ayala, better known as BEPA, is an entrepreneur very passionate about brand positioning. She started a few years ago at P&G marketing working in products advertising for the Drene, Moncler, Camay and MaxFactor brands. Then, she worked at Nabisco where she repositioned the brands Club Social, Kraker Bran and Honey Bran, and launched Soda Premium, making them the brands we know today. If you remember the phrase “You are fresh” or “Hesitate with your panas” Hit, BEPA was responsible for these campaigns while working at The Coca Cola Company. She is the one that made RCTV’s “Alto Pana” advertising campaign. She helped re-launched RCTV International TV network. Today, she is a branding consultant at a small and renowned brand content producer called Quilombo Entertainment, C.A. She is also a Marketing and communications specialist with lots of experience working in consumer goods marketing companies: Procter & Gamble, The Coca-Cola Company and Nabisco. VP Strategic Communications in RCTV (open broadcast TV Channel in Venezuela) for 9 years, managing a team of more than 70 people. Responsible for the overall marketing and the brand strategy, the development and implementation of its image and the implementation of all the off and on air action plans. She managed to turn RCTV into the number one channel in Venezuelan, increasing its market share from 17% to 35% in two years. And she helped consolidate RCTV as the preferred brand, maintaining its leading position until the channel´s closing in 2007.

Data analysis expert. 
Is a Production Engineer from Universidad Simón Bolívar. Has a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from IESA. She has worked in the design and execution of social projects in communities for thirteen years. In the private, she has worked for companies such as Polar and Diageo. She has managed social responsibility projects that has benefited more than 2,500 people. Three years ago she worked on the impact measurement for Sistema de Orquestas Juveniles de Venezuela, as a consultant for the IDB. She was twice Winner of the IDEAS Contest in 2008 (social entrepreneurship) and 2012 (business). She currently works at Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF), executing social impact measurements for 8 countries in Latin America. She is a trained entrepreneurial mentor and has taught statistics at IESA.

Design thinking expert.

She has been co-founder and director of Impact Hub Caracas since October 2013. And a social entrepreneur passionate about making a difference in the world. She has also been a member of the Board of the Global Impact Hub Association from 2015 to 2018 and of the Membership Committee of the Global Impact Hub Association.

She has been coaching the creation of new Impact Hubs in Africa and Latin America. And she is a consultant for numerous corporate clients promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. She is passionate about supporting teams within companies and corporations to co-create solutions and solve problems by promoting an entrepreneurial approach, using Design Thinking, innovation tools and creative leadership.

She has more than 14 years of experience in the financial sector in Latin America (Citigroup NY, Citi Venezuela and Banesco). And in recent years, she devoted her time in microfinances in Venezuela co-founding Banesco Banca Comunitaria. She has been developing public and private programs and initiatives for more than 20 years. And has also worked for non-profit organizations in favor of the most underserved and needy segments of society.

Her work has taken her to 50 countries around the world and has been recognized through several national and international awards. She was named “Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2010” by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship of the World Economic Forum. Venezuela Sin Limites Foundation named Claudia “Outstanding Social Entrepreneur of Venezuela” in 2011 with the support of Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and the World Economic Forum. She was named Responsible Leader of the BMW Foundation in 2011. And she was included among the 100 Most Successful Managers in Magazine Manager in 2012 and 2008. She was also included in the 50 Most Influential Leaders according to IESA in 2015. She was a Finalist at The Global Good Fund 2016. She was a guest of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) IVLP “Changemakers II: The Impact of Social Entrepreneurs in the US” as representative of Venezuela – US Embassy Venezuela 2016; Honorable Mention Analytical Woman 2012; 15 Exemplary Women, El Nacional, Everything in Sunday Magazine, Oct 2014; Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Global Ambassador, Venezuela 2017; Bronze Award to the Voluntary Service of the President of the United States in 2006 and Medal of Civil Defense in Second Class, Civil Defense Government Federal District in 1996, among others. Participates as director in the boards of directors of: Esteban Torbar Foundation and EPOSAK since 2011; Civil Association Work and Person since 2015; YPO Chapter Venezuela as Social Responsibility Officer since 2013; Board of Directors of the Institute of Advanced Management Studies (IESA) since 2017; Fundación Unidos en Red since 2011 and Fundación Communitas Dei since 2009.

She has a degree in Computer Sciences from UNIMET, an MBA from Loyola University in Chicago, a Master’s in Finance from IESA and has a postgraduate degree in Creative Leadership from the THINK School of Creative Leadership, in Amsterdam. She has taken courses in microfinance, social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility at Harvard Business School, Harvard Kennedy School, INCAE and INSEAD Business School.

She is a tennis player, she loves cooking, art, traveling, photography, singing and music. In addition to Spanish, she speaks English, French and Portuguese. “The impact that you want to create in the world is to end poverty”, she says. And she is very active in social media so you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram: @clovalladares.